Photos from the Field
2016 Sabbatical Trip to New Zealand
In the Fall of 2016, I travelled to New Zealand to work with Joe Waas (Waikato University) and his MSc student Mark MacDougall. We made dawn chorus recordings in Maungatautari Ecological Island. Maungatautari is surrounded by a 47 km predator exclosure. To learn the local birds, I also took a trip to Tiritiri Matangi, an island reserve where many rare birds are abundant.

Jenn hanging a song meter in Maungatautari Ecological Reserve

Jenn programming a song meter

Of course, you have to take a break from the birdwatching and recording to visit Hobbiton

Jenn hanging a song meter in Maungatautari Ecological Reserve
2013 Field Season
In 2013, Jenn Foote, Adrianna Bruni, Mandy Ehnes, Kerry Perrault, and Lynnea Lobert worked in Hiawatha Highlands Conservation Area. We did a big experiment on the Kinsmen trail where we used a 44 microphone array to record the dawn chorus while manipulating light levels. We also started our studies of Ovenbird vocal behaviour.

We started 2013 with snow up to our knees in the forest.

We started 2013 with snow up to our knees in the forest.