*indicates OVEN student author

Marini KLD*, Nadon S*, Foote JR (2020) Dawn singing in Brown Creepers (Certhia americana). Canadian Field-Naturalist, in press.
Thompson MJ*, Pearse KA*, Foote JR (2020) Seasonal and diel plasticity of song type use individual ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla). Ethology, in press.
Paul N*, Thompson MJ*, Foote JR (2020) Characterising the flight song: repeatable individual variation of Ovenbird song features. Bioacoustics, in press.
Landsborough BL*, Foote JR, Mennill DJ (2019) Decoding the "Zeep" complex: Quantitative analysis of interspecific variation in the nocturnal flight calls of nine wood warbler species (Parulidae spp.). Bioacoustics, 28:555-574.
Hodgson L*, Waas JR, Foote JR (2018) Early singers attend to conspecific but not heterospecific behavioural cues at dawn. Journal of Avian Biology, 49:e01749.
Foote JR, Marini K*, AL-Ani H (2018) Understanding the funciton of nocturnal song in ovenbirds: males do not countersing at night. Journal of Avian Biology, 49: e01729.
Ehnes* M, Dech JP, Foote JR (2018) Seasonal changes in acoustic detection of forest birds. Ecoacoustics, 2:QVDZO7.
Foote JR, Nanni LK*, Schroeder R* (2017) Seasonal patterns of nocturnal singing by ovenbirds and white-throated sparrows. Behaviour, 154:1275-1295.
Evans D*, Pearce J, Foote JR (2017) Herring gull predation of chimney swifts at a migratory roost. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 129:632-636.
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP, Lobert LM*, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2017) A population-level analysis of morning song: exploring the implications for point counts. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 131:10-18.
Ehnes M*, Foote JR (2015) Comparison of autonomous and manual recording methods for discrimination of individually distinctive Ovenbird songs. Bioacoustics, 24:111-121.
Bruni A*, Foote JR (2014) Eastern Phoebe dawn singing varies with breeding stage and brood number. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 126:500-507.
Bruni A*, Mennill DJ, Foote JR (2014) Dawn chorus start time variation in a temperate bird community: relationships with seasonality, weather, and ambient light. Journal of Ornithology, 155:877-890.
Perrault K*, Lobert LM*, Ehnes M*, Foote JR (2014) Nocturnal singing in a temperate bird community. Journal of Ornithology, 155:1059-1062.
Foote JR, Palazzi E*, Mennil DJ (2013) Songs of the Eastern Phoebe, a suboscine songbird, are individually distinctive but do not vary geographically. Bioacoustics, 22:137-151.
Mennill DJ, Battiston M, Wilson DR, Foote JR, Doucet SM (2012) Field test of an affordable, portable wireless microphone array for spatial monitoring of animal ecology and behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3:704-712.
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L. (2011) Black-capped chickadees begin chorusing earlier in response to social cues. Animal Behaviour, 81:871-877.
Foote JR, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L, Smith SM (2010) Black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), The Birds of North America (A Poole, Ed). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L (2010) Black-capped chickadee dawn choruses are interactive communication networks. Behaviour, 147:1219-1248.
Foote JR, Barber CA (2009) Paired male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) sing more when their mate is incubating. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 121:819-822.
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L (2008) Male chickadees match neighbors interactively at dawn: support for the social dynamics hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology, 19:1192-1199.
Foote JR, Fitzsimmons LP, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L (2008) Tied to the nest: male black-capped chickadees decrease dawn chorus movement behaviour when their mate is fertile. Animal Behaviour, 76:1227-1233.
Fitzsimmons LP, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Frequency matching, overlapping and movement behaviour in diurnal countersinging interactions of black-capped chickadees. Animal Behaviour, 75:1913-1920.
Fitzsimmons LP, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Eavesdropping and communication networks revealed through playback and an acoustic location system. Behavioral Ecology, 19:824-829.
Lippold, S, Fitzsimmons LP, Foote JR, Ratcliffe LM, Mennill DJ (2008) Post-contest behaviour in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus): loser displays, not victory displays, follow asymmetrical countersinging exchanges. Acta Ethologica, 11:67-72.
Foote JR, Barber CA (2007) High level of song sharing in an eastern population of song sparrow (Melospiza melodia). Auk, 124:53-62.
Foote JR, Mennill DJ, Ratcliffe L (2006) Utility of acoustic location technology for studying avian dawn choruses: social dynamics of male black-capped chickadees. Proceedings of Acoustics Week in Canada 2006. Canadian Acoustics, 34:72-73.