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Dan Mennill (University of Windsor) - Dan and I have a long and productive collaboration that began during my PhD. We are currently working on a large landscape-scale bioacoustic migration monitoring project in The Great Lakes.

Colleen Barber (St. Mary's University) - Colleen supervised my Honours and MSc work on Song Sparrows. We are currently collaborating on a project investigating European Starling nestling vocalizations.

Jennie Pearce (Pearce & Associates Ecological Research) - Jennie at I head Algoma SwiftWatch together with The Sault Naturalists. We are working on monitoring Chimney Swift population trends at local roosts in Sault Ste Marie and hope to branch out to other aerial insectivores in the future.

Joe Waas (Waikato University) - Joe and I are collaborating on several projects examing dawn vocal beahviour in both Canada and New Zealand.

Jason Garvon (Lake Superior State University) - Jason, Shannon Rowell-Garvon and I are collaborating on a project examining Great Lakes Piping Plover nesting behaviour in the Upper Penninsula or Michigan. We hope to one day find the source of many of the unbanded birds entering the Michigan population here in Canada.

Shannon Rowell-Garvon (Algoma University) - Shannon, Jason Garvon and I are collaborating on a project examining Great Lakes Piping Plover nesting behaviour in the Upper Penninsula or Michigan.

Lauren Fitzsimmons  - Lauren and I began working together during our graduate work at Queen's University Biological Station. We continue to collaborate on research and knitting projects.

Matt Reudink  (Thompson Rivers University) - Matt and I began and completed our PhDs together in the Ratcliffe lab. However we have yet to figure out what we will collaborate on. One day we wil figure it out while sitting on the beach watching our kids play (Matt is also my brother-in-law).

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